Teamspeak Details


pw - alexander

Server Rules

The rules are split into two groups.

The first set will result in an instant ban, this includes but is not limited to;

1, The use of any glitch or exploit to gain access to another players village

(Using 4x4 'jenga' style stacks of logs to create steps in order to gain access is completely fine.)

2, The harassment of any player or admin, in game or in Teamspeak

3, Tunneling as an act of sabotage, vandalism or entry to another players village

4, Having more than one character on the server

Choose carefully, multiple characters will result in your account being banned

5, Using a name, in game or in Teamspeak

that is racist, rude or provocative. This includes names with the intent to troll

6, The use of any GLITCH that would exploit any known game bugs

(example - Formation leader swapping too get the bonus in multiple instances which also causes lag).

7, Attacking a player displaying GM tags.

On this server the admins are only in GM when helping people.

The Second set, if breached repeatedly will result in a ban.

Griefing. This includes but is not limited to

1, Raiding a village more than once within 24hrs

And taking longer than 30mins from the time a village is breached to complete a raid.

2, Being an unwelcome guest in another players village

Claiming another players buildings, gates, coops etc.

3, Claiming a village that has been left unclaimed

without prior permission from an admin.

4, Being a general pain in the ass or trolling

(this doesn't need defining).

5, Deconstructing a players partially constructed building

Looting it however, is fine. This is considered raiding and is subject to the same conditions.

6, Combat logging This - as the name would suggest

is logging out while in combat or to escape Base Raid. If you can't win then yield.

7, Naked combat will no longer be tolerated

Play the game as it was intended. Wear armor/ clothing. you'll get one warning.

Note that other rules will be added and some amended as time goes on

So be sure to check in regularly.

Efforts to Reduce Server lag

At this stage mining is ok, however when lag becomes a problem

GM's will place an infinite pile near your mining site, you may not move

your infinite pile or create a new one closer to your base.

Play the game as it was intended, if you find yourself

wanting to, exploit a glitch/game mechanic bug

then Alexander servers aren't for you.
